Monday, October 15, 2007

The Founding of Catholicism

The apostles of Jesus Christ formed the Christian Church. They helped spread God’s word and provided structure for the new religion. It is hard to differentiate between the Roman Catholic Church and the early Christian church. The church became the Roman Empire’s official religion in 380, and remained this way until 1054 when Eastern Orthodox separated itself and became a new religion. At that time Catholicism was officially created, as was Eastern Orthodox Christianity. In past and present day, Roman Catholicism was believed by its followers to be the only true Christianity, and all branches of Christianity that have formed since then are imperfect versions of this universal religion, the religion created through the disciples by God.


Caroline G said...

Nice post Kelly, it's good to know how the different branches of Catholicism were created and how similar or different they can be.

Kelly V said...

gee thanks caroline. you are a really helpful and supportive member of this group. remember, we are the catholics!